So, I read someone's philosophy about how she never makes new years resolutions because she always breaks them so she makes new year.....something or other. I had the idea before I sat down to write my thoughts. Well I have the same problem if I resolve to do something for the next year I usually don't do it. For lack of umph. So this year I'm gonna make some straight up goals and really work to achieve them and make them do able. I think thats my other problem I don't make my resolutions realistic. So here is my list.
1. Keep a better house: Now those that know me extremely well know that I have issues in this department and have always had issues in this department. So instead of saying that I'm going to keep my house clean I'm going to set a goal to always wash the dishes after dinner and keep up laundry.Hopefully with the addition of our new kinect my better half will have the incentive to help me keep the living room clean :)
2. Write 10,000 words toward my book: Now I know that I will not finish the book but it would be nice to actually make time to write a few paragraphs a week toward this goal. Now whether or not I'll ever get it published....thats another story. I'd also like to participate in Nanowrimo (I think i have that right); however I'm not going to make that a true goal till I try my best to get the 10,000 words toward my 50,000 long term goal. :P
3. Work out 3 times a week: Over the last few years I've set a weight amount I"d like to lose but that almost always never happens so this year I'm going to set a goal to get active. Whether that's playing on the kinect or walking around work or if i can ever get motivated enough, taking the dogs to the Indian mounds for a hike. While I know this goal will be the hardest of the three I know that its extremely important that I make this goal for my health.
I am also hoping that by writing them down and having them in a public place where people know about them I'll be more motivated to keep going so that I don't feel like a liar or a let down. So here is to a better year. I hope it brings us all good luck.