Saturday, January 2, 2010

make Goals not Resolutions

So last Sunday at church they discussed not making resolutions because they tend to be over looked and just rushed on to the next year where you don't complete them then either. However, if you make goals that have realistic outcomes you will have a better chance at succeeding. So this year I'm making goals. In following with my best friend I'm only making a few small achievable goals instead of a lot that i know I won't be able to achieve.

Personal goals:

1. Be a better wife: I plan to work harder to keep my house cleaner and treat my husband better. I know I have the tendency to difficult and to cause more arguments than I settle.

2. Better my self: I 'm not going to set a weight loss goal because I know that just makes it harder for me to keep my goal. So I plan to start walking more and eating less. Natalie at one point told me that she used to walk the stairs in her house. Well we don't have any stairs inside but I want to try and do some stair stepping outside on the porch.

3. Get a job: I know this is going to be a hard goal to achieve but I know that something will come along if I keep my head held high and work hard.

Family Goals:

1. Visit my in laws more often: Visiting my mom more will be more difficult due to the gas but Reggie's parents live across the street and we rarely see them. Reggie and I have decided that we're going to try and go over there at least once a week.

2. Spend more time together: We spend a lot of time in World of Warcraft together and we are always int he living room together but we don't really interact as much as we should. We're going to start eating in the kitchen at the table this year with out the TV on and the games turned off. No distractions.

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